Saturday 25 January 2014


have u guys noticed that the posts have gone back to being 1 post per page?
well thats a problem.
im pretty sures its because of the new pictures so i removed two of them but if the posts dont go back to normal then i will have to remove the latest picture. sorry purple! :(
i hope it goes back to normal

cya layter guys just remember: msp is the place to be!
-stay sparkley


  1. I will definitely miss yu misty ♥ Yu would be the first one to welcome me with a hello everytime I use to go on msp ♥ I wont have that someone to talk to or someone that's always there.. like yu misty :'( ♥ I will miss that ♥ I hope yu have a lovely time on msp and keep the updates coming cause I wanna know everything that changes: the themes, the latest outfits, the highest level ♥ Even though I don't play msp anymore.. that doesn't mean that I don't like to know whats happening or whats latest ♥ Love Kayla (Husky) :') ♥ Bye Misty :'(

  2. bye husky ♥ ill miss u husky ♥ msp wont be the same without u ♥ keep commenting. if u ever want to come back to msp then u will definitely be welcomed ♥ i miss u husky ♥ -misty

  3. I will definitely use every chance I get to talk to yu misty ♥ Its just not the same not being on msp ♥ Love Kayla (Husky)
