Friday, 15 May 2015

Let's be fashionistas ;-;

Hai guys! This post is going to be (mostly) about fashion! Makeups, outfits, the lot of them! Let's be fashionistas guys B)
Aqua seems to play playing on the regular again, so so much for overtaking her level while she's away! xD Tbh since I started out a higher level, its not fair that she's overtaken me with time :3

Okay so getting right into the fashion theme!

The first step is picking your style. Do you want to look trendy? Mysterious? Spooky? Pick and style and change your makeup to match! Here's a few ideas!

This was my old look. The lip colour is up to preference, but this is the classic 'vip pretty' look, the typical aus server style. Any clothes go with it really

This is a classic spooky look. Used with goth clothes, it's scary cool/

This is very pretty. The different eye shadows create a colourful world in your face

This is a very unique style. Definitely good if you don't want to look like everyone else

Vampire chic. This is the look I use. The lips on this look also come down to preference. For extra spookiness, you can change the eyes to red, but keep in mind; in Twilight, red eyes means they kill humans!

Oh but wait. What if you're a non vip and you like these looks? Well here's how to make them non vip!

This is the non vip version of the 'vip trendy'. Just change the nose mouth and eyes to non vip ones and you'll be looking chic in no time!
This is how you would go about looking scary. Maybe wear an eye patch so you can't see one eye. I'm sorry, its the best I've got.

So its true that you can't get blue skin for the water spirit look. But you can get peach!  You could even change the colours around and be a dawn spirit, as shown below

You can't actually get the cat style at all unless your vip. Tbh there IS a cat nose item somewhere, but idk if its vip or not and I'm not bothered to find it.

And as for the last one...

Theres actually an identical shade of white for non vips. True, you look less scary. But again; thats the best I could do. Oh and I forgot to change the nose. 

Now that you've chosen a style, your ready to dress the part, but first, you have to choose colours.

Some people don't choose colours. Some people wear whatever. But most people have a colour that they colour all their outfits with. My colours are sea green and black, but you can choose whatever you like!

Choose some colours!
Normally people have 2 colours, but I have 3, and the 3rd is mint green. The mint green is used sometimes as a small bit of colour, but its not used often. Try and make sure your colours go together

Now that you've chosen that, we have to hit the stores, to buy an outfit that goes with the brilliant new you! I'll make the outfits in my colour, and tell you what to change to make it your colour, but of course you can improvise!

Actually... There's a few styles I can show with the eyes...

This is MY look. You can use the stye but please don't buy the look.
Remember; just because it looks spooky, doesn't mean it can't look pretty.
This is one of Ave's old looks, and she looks pretty hip.
This is my old style, and old look. Pretty, girly, nice.

If your gonna go cat, why not do it properly? To change it to non vip, just change the ears!

This is how to look like nature. Beautiful flowers, awesome skirt, slight blue tint in the cheeks.
Fabulous! If you like, you can also choose an ani to go with it.

And thats the end of our fashion show everyone! CUT!


So now lets talk about normal things!

I'm humming a song I don't know, which I heard at the shops, over a month ago. Makes sense? Nah. Idk why i remember it so well o-o I don't know who sings it, what its called or what its about. But I'm STILL humming it. No wait, now I'm whistling it. Ugh I gtg to school soon and fyi I REALLY don't want too! I also need to get ready soon which I don't want to do either ;-;


Okay so like, 10 hours later now. I don't always do the posts in one burst. I work on them until I like them, and then I release them. It takes several days sometimes! Hey maybe I'll interview Aqua... Let's ask her...

Yes! She said yessss! Once again, I'll talk about random shit whist doing the interview and post when done...

Nooooo Kesha whyyyyy! Why are you Talking Like This? Is obnoxious typing contagious or something? *No offence.

12 hours later once again...  Jeez it's sad how little I can get done. I'll continue interviewing Aqua later, but right now lets do something else...

Why are girls SO obsessed with getting a boyfriend? On an online game? Seriously? Well yes they're serious, and damn serious too. I don't want a bf. I've got a forth bestie and thats better than a bf tbh. Sisters before misters and that stuff. Chics before chaps, ladies before lads, damn I'm good at these things! xDDDD
People are all like; Single, need a boyfriend.
I'm all like: YA DONT NEED A BOYFRIEND x-o
They're like: I NEED A BF OR I'LL DIE!
I'm like: Gr8 m8. Good job.
I'm that classy xD
You know when you drink so much water you feel sick? I just did and now I feel TERRIBLE! Like, really really bad. Sick in the stomach. Thoroughly bleh.

How come nobody ever uses the toilet in books? They must be pretty busting... Or nobody drinks water? They'd die quickly. BOOK FAILS!
Now how about them memes?

Yeah thats all I can do. But that pug one's hilarious xDDDD
Along with the horse one.
And the cat one.
Makes me wonder; how would one unpug a toilet? A plunger might not work xD
Also, points to you if you get the horse one within 3 seconds. I got it at once and was like; OMG IT DOES *O*

No. Let's stop dat xDDD

That moment where you say 'hai', they don't reply, you say hai again, still no reply and its like "HAI x-o TALK TO MEH' And they're like; oh sorry, i was on brb.  'Oh'

I hate it how it shows like only half as many friends at the bottom bar than are actually on ;-; It's like; who's online... Them... Okay who's REALLY online?

Okie I gtg :c Actually, I think the post is good enough, and doesn't need anymore shit in it.

Wait I thought of more random shit:

Someone was asking me what 'wyd' means, so I think we need to do a crash corse in 'internet'

Wyd: What you doing
Brb: Be right back
Hru: How r u?
Gtg: Got to go.
Dw: Don't worry
Ty: Thank you
Tysm: Thank you so much
Np: No problem
Wbu: What about you?
Ofc: Of course
Bae: Before anyone else.
Wth: What the hell
Idk: I don't know
Idc: I don't care
Idek: I don't even know
Idec: I don't even care
Fyi: For your information
Btw: By the way
Irl: In real life

Yep, look at that internet. Btw, NOBODY says ROFL irl. Well iri: in real internet ;-;

NOW the post is done!


Monday, 11 May 2015

Blogs everywhere, like literally everywhere

Hai baes! <3

You might notice that I added a list of links to other players blogs on the side of mine! But I repeat; I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT THEY POST ON IT. 
But either way, they're there for you to enjoy! I really should get a move on cos I'm interviewing Nerdy for this post and I'm keeping her waiting... Hold on... 

CRAP SHE WENT OFFLINE. That ruins that... Um... I'll see if Bubble wants to do a photo shoot for the side pictures while i see if Nerdy is coming back... I need new side pictures ^-^ I've changed style since the last time.

Okay, so the actual pictures for the side of the blog look pretty cool. Here are the ones that are actually getting posted:

Presenting... BUBBLE!

Posing Pretty

Drinking BUBBLE tea!

Sporty Chic

Bubble's bubbles.
And here are the ones taken purely because they are funny.

She's like 'ship'

Funny moments

We so fab xD

YES NERDY HAS RETURNED M8! Idk why she says 'm8' so much, thats actually going to be an interview question!

I'm going to post the interview when I'm done. I'll keep talking about random things until then...

I really feel like a started a trend here xD I made a blog and now everyone is making blogs! I wonder how Aqua will feel about that since she was the first to have a blog and then I copied her and now everyone has blogs. DONT BLAME ME FOR THIS PLEASE AQUA! O_O Whats the bet she won't actually see this? She doesn't mind that I copied her but i wonder how she'll feel about everyone else...?

OH AND THERE THE INTERNET GOES AGAIN! YOU ARE SHIT, INTERNET! I swear if the computer could talk it would be laughing at me like; Oh you want to play msp undisturbed? Nah m8.
I hat you internet. Your such a shit.

AND LIKE MAGIC: AQUA APPEARS! It's like; Oh hi, i was just talking about you ;-;

Okay internet is better now. IT'S ALIVE! YASSSSS xD

And the interview has stopped cos Nerdy is GONE AGAIN ;-;

And she came back. But wth, this is pointless. And the internet has gone AGAIN

Faith has changed her style back to normal, which overall made my movie storyline die. I have a solution but idk if I should keep making Silent Starlight... What do you think? Should I keep making Silent Starlight or should I make something else?

Okay I think I'm gonna go play something that doesn't require internet now. But not Minecraft, because Minecraft is not opening. Will nothing work for me, ever?

Oh look the internet is back. But just REALLY slowly! I prefer 'slow' to 'inconsistent' tbh. And my blog seems to be gathering more readers! I thought, after I quit for 6 months, 'Well thats the end of my readers ;-;' but no? Thats cool!

I just looked at Aqua's blog and theres these HUGE chunks of text in it! Probably because she likes to talk about her life, while I like to keep my life private ty v much. Either way I have homework I didn't do so I'm sure my teacher will love me. (Not!) I don't like homework... ;-;


Okay so I gtg now. I would've posted this yesterday, but the internet failed just as I was about to publish it so I was like; meh I'll post it later.

Baiiiiiii guys! Sorry for the short post!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

No llamas here!

Hai baes! And thats 'before everyone else' and not 'poo' xD

The last 2 posts have been deleted on an agreement for me to not publicly post drama. So i'm sorry, no llamas here. Go somewhere else for your drama-llamas

I forgot to mention! My arty; Sport day <3,  from the last theme, Sport deluxe, came 3rd! I was like SQUEEEEEEEEE! FREAK OUT! Happy moments... Casual freak-outs xD

Alsoooo, I have a new movie series; Silent Starlight. It's about 3 girls who get cursed. Ik, ik, it has NOTHING to do with starlight, idc, its a good name! You try coming up with something better! xD

So i was looking at my arty, (What colour are you?) and being like; Ermehgerd no ones loving it, like you do... And i found something really funny. So pretty much, theres a person up the top left hand corner, where your characters head goes to represent you, and the person below looks like their body attaches to my head xDDDD I'm like omg... x'DDDD It's really really funny, because she's wearing a french dress and my skin is white so she looks like a mime xDDD


Everyone has blogs now. I feel like I started a trend! Crystal has a blog, Nerdy has a blog, Awesome has a blog and Bubble has a blog! BLOGS! WHOOOO! xD

Also, new theme! Arabian Prom. Some of the animations are kinda funny...

But the clothes are beautiful! I'm probably going to make a movie but I haven't made it yet x'D About... Um.... Ooh! Vampires and Humans come together at a prom? Yeah, probably! What ya think? Fabulous xD

I'm going to link to the blogs of my friends on here, but keep in mind that I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT THEY POST ON IT. When you leave this blog you enter tha unknown. Look at own risk.

Crystals blog (this blog actually does have some drama, so i'd rather not post the link but if i didn't i think crystal would kill meh xD It is not my blog, i did not post the drama on it. She swears a lot too)
Bubbles blog
Nerdy's blog
Awesome's blog

Have fun with them! Also, the drama on Crystal's blog was written because she wanted to. Do not blame me for someone else blog with drama I was involved in. My part of the drama is gone, she's just posting hers ;-;

Oh what an interesting forum. Umm... Umm... Best if I just show you!

I didn't cry, but that is depressing as. And I'm pretty sure I'm not dead ;-; So evidently, not that depressing


I can't figure out for the life of me how to update my profile to make it look goodish for this blog. I just gave in and asked aqua x'D

I have a new song, and when I buy a new song I WAYYY overdo it xD
Normal people with a new song: Listen to it a few times a day
Me with a new song: Listen to it on repeat for a few hours x'D
Thats totally normal right? Maybe it's an internet thing!

Ugh I gtg and this post is way to short! Um... Lets see... Nerdy forgot mothers day xD Thats... Interesting... Oh yea and happy mothers day, if any mothers are reading this ;-;

Well done there Nerdy x'D

Now I gtg... Baiiiiii <3

Sorry for the short post!

The tales of Cute691114

*Waring: I swear. I say 'bloody' 'bitch' 'ass' 'crap' (not really a swear, idc) and 'shit'. So if you have an issue with that... Don't read!

Hai baes! And thats 'before everyone else' and not 'poo' xD

I forgot to mention! My arty; Sport day <3,  from the last theme, Sport deluxe, came 3rd! I was like SQUEEEEEEEEE! FREAK OUT! Happy moments... Casual freak-outs xD

Alsoooo, I have a new movie series; Silent Starlight. It's about 3 girls who get cursed. Ik, ik, it has NOTHING to do with starlight, idc, its a good name! You try coming up with something better! xD

So i was looking at my arty, (What colour are you?) and being like; Ermehgerd no ones loving it, like you do... And i found something really funny. So pretty much, theres a person up the top left hand corner, where your characters head goes to represent you, and the person below looks like their body attaches to my head xDDDD I'm like omg... x'DDDD It's really really funny, because she's wearing a french dress and my skin is white so she looks like a mime xDDD


Okay so its a bit off, but its still really funny! I might go post that on pictures xDD

Or not... Idc xD

Oh, Crystal made a blog post about this war. This started with D<3, now continues with Cute691114, the girl who threatened to delete the accs of Faith, Bubble, Liv and I. At first I played suck-up. And yes, I am VERY ashamed about that! I take it all back, I even reposted the drama-llama post! I acted because I was scared of a girl who likes to make people afraid, then blackmail them. Now that I've stopped believing that crap, and got Faithy and Bubble to stop believing it too, my life is 99% less shit.
And now I FINALLY know who 'Mr Fabulous' is. Crystal... xD I guessed you tbh xD I WAS RIGHT! xD

Also; HELP ME I HAVE A CARLY RAE JEPSEN SONG! IT IS NOT CALL ME MAYBE. IT IS; I REALLY LIKE YOU. Yes she does make other songs xD EVERYONE knows call me maybe

"Hey I just met you, but this is crazy. But heres my number, so call me maybe" x'D

Whooooo xD

Now Nerdy has a blog. I feel like I started a trend ._. Whooooo I'm so trendy xD Also, now Flower (Flowerstarforever) is accusing me of giving Cute hat too ;-; Um no. DO YOU NOT HAVE EYES LADY? For anyone wondering; The reason I say 'lady' so much? Leo Valdez, from Heroes of Olympus xD I pick stuff up from my books xD

Also, heres what Cute said to me. I am very ashamed of what I said, so I MIGHT cover up my suck-up-ing xD Ok no. But I'm REALLY ashamed, and I better not get teased about this...

Lady don't care if she ruins my life ;-; Real lovely!

And alright, ANYTHING might be a bit of an overstatement...  And now the forums!

And I spent all of today, along with Faith and Bubble, utterly terrified of the girl.
What. A. Bitch. Why make our lives bloody harder than they need to be? Why make us afraid? Jeez, the world is SO GULLIBLE! How would she do that huh? Something MSP isn't aware of? Yeah no.

She deserves a lifetime lock for that!

But the very least I can do... Tell the blogiverse. Also, now Bubble is making a blog x'D I'M SAH TRENDY!

Anyway... Thats all I have to say, so baiiiii baes <3


Crystals blog
Nerdy's blog
Bubble's blog


Thursday, 7 May 2015


* Warning, full of drama, naming names and swearing. Beware! (Btw, really really mild swearing, like 'bloody' and 'ass')

Haiii! So I WAS planning on not posting about the drama-llama with D<3 but then I thought; Well pretending isn't gonna make it go away.. So here we are, naming names, blaming blames. If you like drama, your gonna love this.

So you all saw my last post about D<3 calling Ash sick and stupid? Well if you didn't, heres the image msp won't let me post!:

Spooky stat. Mean words.

I sent her a message. I don't remember what it said because she blocked me but it was something along the lines of:

Ash didn't deserve what you said to her. She was my bestie. I won't forget this, and if you say anything like that to my friends again, you will regret it.

I couldn't see her reply.

And so I made a forum called D<3, asking what people thought about her. I was not asking for them to hate on her but yes, that's what happened. Then people started to turn on me...

My life is not sad, lady ;-; And when I look in the mirror I see myself and btw that is a bootiful sight <3 Maybe theres something wrong with her eyes ;-;

Ouch. That. Hurt. Real bad. So naturally I defended myself;

And then me and Flower argued. I don't think she expected me to post the entire argument on my blog but thats what I'm doing ;-;

And that is where the argument ended.

I was telling the fab royals obviously, and bubble made a forum that I can't find defending me, and Faithy threw her ass into the fight by defending me too!

Hold on I found Bubbles forum:

Ty Bubble and Faithy, your tha best <3

Then I saw what D<3 wrote in my gb...

Yeah? That right? Not so wise to send threats to me either! 2 can play the reporting game... I reported that message too ;)
Every little thing she says gives me another piece of evidence. If you don't believe me and if you believe I edited these, go look in the guestbooks of AshleyLOL, DARING POTATO and myself and in my forum called D<3

Today,  I found something D<3 wrote in the gb of DARING POTATO.

I reported that too.

And going back to my forum, I pointed out something very true...

Its true, in that forum I just said that she was mean to my friend. Which is very true. And if a hacker gave you wishies and greets, but hacked and deleted all your friends, would you forgive them? I do believe the answer is no.

Thats all thats happened so far. Now would you like me to talk about something else?

Alright so the new theme is Arabian Prom, and it is beautiful <3

I made a bootiful new look <3 Still keeping with my Vampire chic style... It's coolio <3

Sah cute! <3

I don't really have anything else to say atm. I'll post again soon! Baiiii!

Stay beautiful <3

* Update; a girl claimed she'd hack us if we kept being mean to D<3... Jeez I'm legit freaking terrified o-o