Okay now it's time to find out who won my little contest. Lets go!
The first winner is...
!! WatermelonLover !! with this idea:
I forgot to take a picture of me actually giving the greet, but i had hell trying not to let tags come up for the word 'lover'
The next person isn't online atm, but given she reads this blog, she'll know soon enough! It's everyone's favourite blogger; Aquamarina! Congrats Aqua <3 Nah I'm not biased, she legit had a good idea.
Thats one of the best tbh. Can't wait to try it!
She's not online so I can't give her the greet yet.
If you want to check out her blog, which, lets face it, is a HELL of a lot better than mine, click here
The next person is...
AlicexxCullen! The fabulously Twilight-named player who suggested:
Not the most original i'll give ya. Still cool.
She's not online either!
There could have been 5 winners. But only 4 were good enough. The last greet goes to (ALSO NOT ONLINE) Elizabeth Faith Hope! My bestie <3 She suggested a lot of awesome ideas!:
My favourites of these are the first one, the last one, and the one before that.
She also has a blog! Like with Aqua, click here to see Faith's fab bloggy <3
I will definitly do these! When more people are online. Also, message for Aqua: YOU BETTER FEEL LIKE DOING YOUR OWN IDEA LATER AQUA x-o xD
I wonder why it is that I always bump it up to the largest size o-o let's quote idiot me of the past when i used to say 'COS BIGGER IS BETTER AND BETTER IS BETTER'
Yeah... I was weird.
So I activated Fame Booster.. and I claimed this:
And I levelled up TWICE xDDDD Gods thats hilarious. I'm laughing so hard right now xDDDDDDDDDD
Btw, 'gods' is a Percy Jackson reference, not a insult to religion. Don't feel like getting hate for a misunderstanding.
And Alice is on now too! Greet time again xD
Isn't it embarrassing when people think you're dating the person in the love spot instead of just being forthies? When people are all like 'You're dating a girl!'
1. Tecnially, theres nothing wrong with that.
2. Thats not true
3. Haven't they ever heard of fourthies?
thats v awkward.
And you're all like 'No I'm not' and they're like; 'surreeeeee' and its like; crap to them.
Imma do the outfit contest idea. Arty made, now i await entrys xD
Hey new theme! BAM! BAM BAM!
![]() |
Relaxed and Fabulous |
Haunting is about a girl who can see ghosts. A spirit has released ghosts into the mortal world, and the main girl, Ellen, teams up with a ghost called Melanie to try and get the ghosts back where they belong.
I have an awesome idea for the ending too! Heh heh.. :3
Oh. My. Gods. (Still Percy Jackson reference)
When I got new VIP (Yea I did :3) i suddenly had people ask me for stuff. Well
Dear Everyone.
Hold on I'm interview Sky, aka Skyler01. It's actually interesting for once :3
Yay for Sky to actually take the time to answer! MSPeople aren't particually helpful ever tbh, only the occasional helpful one.
I have a new blog idea! Every time a theme comes out, i'll get someone else to help me rate it. I'm calling it Rate a theme and the first one is now:
Rate a theme!
Hey hey! This weeks theme is Glamor Cruise, and today, my guest rater is KE$HA2477. This theme has particually summery clothes, and theres not as many animations as usual, that or the animations are just worse! Let's see what Kesha thinks of it!Well rated! Yes, the colours are very nice! Let's have a look at the background!
The non VIP background isn't quite as nice as the VIP one of course, but it's still lovely!
Now the VIP background is beautiful!
Look at the glorious sunset. The colours shift and glow beautifully. It's a perfect place for a romantic cruise. MSP really gave us a wonderful background this time. Compared to some of the other backgrounds, the staff have really come through and given us something gorgeous and worthwhile. This is one of the best themes in ages. I really like the colours in it. The way the sun touches the horizon is something else entirely. It's kept with true MSP style, whist bringing the beauty and grace of the real world into the game.
Good job MSP!
Here's my overall opinion on the theme!
I think some of the themes are bending to much towards girly girls. Others are incredibly lame. I admit, they only have a week to do these so they can't be perfect, but they certainly aren't getting better! If anything, they've gotten worse! But MSP has come through this time. The theme gets a generous ranking of 14 out of 20 (7 from both me and Kesha)
Thats the end of the segement!
I can't talk a lot like Aqua can. I can't blab on for hours about random stuff thats entertaining.
I wish I could.
I wish.
But as the last thing I do this post, I'm going to give a list of my favourite people on MSP and why. (Not including me xD)
1. Elizabeth Faith Hope, nicknamed Faith.
- She's fabulous
- She's really nice
- She's always there for you
- She's really funny :3
- She's perfect
- She doesn't judge
- She's always willing to do something cool
- She understands me in ways no other player does
- I could talk forever
- She's funny
- She's nice
- She's forgiving
- She's helpful
- She's fabulous
- She's just Bubblelicious :3
- We've known each other since we were v low level
- She's not just funny, she's HILARIOUS
- She's really nice
- Shes fashionable
- She's a good friend
- She can forgive and forget
- She's the hella best blogger ever
4. Awesomestgirl882, nicknamed Awesome
- She's awesome like her name
- She's funny
- She was always on
- She doesn't take things to seriously.
- She's kind in a humorous way (if that makes sense)
- She's helpful
- She's nice
- She's accepting
- She's generous
- She's really cool :3
6. dietcrush, nicknamed idek (not literally!)
- She's cool
- She's funny
- She understands me :3
- She's kind
- She's generous
- We have a similar topic
7. princess jana (backup), nicknamed Jana.
- She's nice.
- She's cool
- She's snazzy.
8. Icecoolgeehihihihi, nicknamed Ice
- She's cool
- She's unique
- She's awesome
- She's serious in a cool way
Thats all! I can not manage 2 more xDDD
Despite my statement from the last post, i will do another quiz!
What's your mythical animal?
Unicorn, Dragon, Griffen, Pegasus or Phoenix. Which are you? Take the quiz and find out!
Question 1.
Which element suits you most?
A. Water. Calm and flowing
B. Fire. Raging and racing against horrors.
C. Earth. Solid and Unmoved
D. Wind. Rushing, dancing, daring.
E. Light. It lights up everything, so similar to a flame, but dancing out of the mess again.
Question 2.
In which way are you loyal to your friends?
A. Loyal in the way that you'll be there for them when they cry
B. Loyal in the way that you'd risk your life for them
C. Loyal in the way that you'd follow them anywhere
D. Loyal in the way that you'll protect them and break whoever makes them cry
E. Loyal in the way that you can help them with anything.
Question 3.
What is your greatest strength?
A. Your calming healing and sympathy
B. Your always-working plans.
C. Your cunning and power
D. Your unbreaking, unwavering loyalty.
E. Your big heart.
Question 4.
You're out shopping and you can't choose between 2 different items of clothing. What do you do?
A. Take whichever you won't forgive yourself if you leave behind.
B. Take the one you think is cooler
C. Just grab either. You can get the other one some other time.
D. Get both. You'll never choose!
E. Flip a coin for the results.
Question 5.
Your parents are going out for dinner. Your home alone, but your friend is having a party your parents have forbidden you to go to. What do you do?
A. Stay home. Theres likely a reason for the ban!
B. Sneak out. If they left you alone, they don't care enough about what you do.
C. Do a little bit of both. Skype your friend so you can party without leaving home.
D. Wish you could go, but you'd never have the guts to leave!!
E. Sneak out, but don't stay long, just in case.
Question 6.
You have 30 dollars. What do you spend it on?
A. Crystals and charms.
B. Outdoorsy equipment
C. Save it up!
D. Books! Books books and more books!
E. Figures and other cool stuff.
Question 7.
What would you say your greatest flaw is?
A. You're too cautious.
B. You're a little headstrong...
C. You're too proud
D. You worry too much.
E. You have a bit of a temper...
Your results are:
Mostly A's: Unicorn
You're kind and generous and you love nature and healing and beautiful things. You think carefully before doing and you never rush into things. You're friends are always glad to have you around and you always put them first. It's probably time to start taking some risks though! Whats life without a little fun?
Mostly B's: Dragon
You're fiery and impulsive and you like being active and free. You hate being told what to do and you've been known to explode if you get ordered around. You believe life needs risk, fun, activity and movement. Perhaps its time to meditate or something so you can calm down.
Mostly C's: Griffen.
You're solid and logial and your genreally calm... Until someone hurts your ego. Your temper can erupt violently if someone teases you or makes you feel worthless. You can turn the tables on a fight with one mighty roar. Just make sure you show them your good side and not just the erruptions you're known for!
Mostly D's: Pegasus.
You're carefree and loyal and you'd defend your friends with everything you have. You can be a little bit of a worrier sometimes though. You can't sit still and you constantly twitch. You're very social and you hate being lonely. You look after your loved ones with both the fierceness of a dragon and the love of a unicorn. Some people find you annoying but you shake it off with a flap of your wings.
Mostly E's: Phoenix.
You're a strange blend of temper and logic. Combine fire and earth and we get you. You love your friends and family and they love you too. You shine a light on everyones life, but sometimes that light starts a flame. You can puzzle out every situation and you're a joy to have around. Good for you hey?
Okay! The post is abnormally long now! Yay! Okay so now the post is done.
Bai guys!
~Misty out.
thanks for the niceness list :D
ReplyDeletei just realised with the backgrounds, non-vip are always about noon sky, and vips ones are always dusk.
about to do your quiz...
i got Pegasus!
^ So did I