So hai guys! That quiz in the last one seemed to be popular! I shall definitely do more of them... Any ideas? xDDD
I swear MSP waits until we're all settled doing something important... Maybe making a movie or arty... And then decides to inform you that MSP is outdated, and you must log out to update it. MSP has no regular update time, no way to tell whats changed, and really, nobody helpful whatsoever.
I really need some ideas! Some ideas for blog ideas... Ik! Let's ask the players!
Ik ik, the rewards are awesome. Awesome and v v generous. Idc really, thats how this works.
The results shall not be announced today. Maybe in a day or 2. But thank you !! WatermelonLover !! for giving the first actual idea! And just for actually giving an idea, she wins a wishy :3
For now, I shall play games with them starters .-. Or with my friends if I can get enough of them to join!
Yay so now I'm playing Crazy Cards with animal jammer, so

Like duh.
Yay for me!
Whooo we have more helpful ideas! Yay.
Oh gosh. Look at this, it has popped up overnight like a giant ugly pimple (how do giant ugly pimples know just the wrong moment to appear on your face...?)
Thats it. No explanation, no nothing. It's just... there. o-o
Ik! I'll do another quiz!:
What is your element? Quiz.
Fire, Water, Air, Nature or Earth. Which are you? Answer the questions and find your element.
Question 1:
You have to choose between a night with your boyfriend or your bestie! Oh no! Who do you choose?
A: You can't choose! You cancel both plans and invite both of them to come over!
B: Try and change things around so you can do both!
C: Whatever activity you want to do more!
D: Ooooh.. Toughie, but probably your BF.
E: Whoever asked first. Obviously.
Question 2:
You have been invited to the beach with your friends. What do you do?
A: Go! Anything with them is fun <3
B: Go, because both the beach and your friends would be very fun!
C: Say you'd like to, but your busy. (When really, you've got nothing else planned)
D: Go, but only because they want you to.
E: Make a choice based on the weather, friends going, and your mood.
Question 3:
Your favourite necklace just broke! Oh no! What do you do?
A: Scream and tell all your friends that your life is RUINED.
B: Try not to be too upset... Even though you loved it.
C: Shrug and toss it in the bin. You didn't need it anyway.
D: Go shopping at once to buy a new favourite! That old one was out of style anyway.
E: Try to repair it, or buy a new one.
Question 4:
Your friend has a boyfriend... But she's not telling you who! Do you
A: Giggle and joke her into telling you.
B: Ask her who, because you won't judge.
C: Make horribly stupid guesses until she wants you to shut it, so she tells you.
D: Gossip and guess with everyone else
E: Respect her need for privacy.
Question 5:
You're caught out in a thunderstorm. How do you react?
A: Cower under shelter and start listing all the horrible things that could happen now.
B: Make a dash for shelter, whist singing about rain and stuff xD
C: Run for the shelter, then take a warm shower to get all the cold off of you.
D: Scream everytime thunder sounds, and RUN RUN RUN!
E: Walk calmly towards shelter. You won't get hit.
Question 6:
Your favourite kind of meal is:
A: Deserts, pastries, yum!
B: Just... Idk... Stuff you like?
C: Spicy and fatty foods.
D: Salads and dressings and NO MEAT!
E: A balance between healthy and delicious is best.
Question 7:
What do you think you're most like?
A: Giggly, silly, funny and dreaming.
B: Both calm and furious. Funny and serious. Sarcastic and honest. You can be unpredicatble.
C: Plotting, Intellegent, easily angered.
D: Beautiful, calm, happy, free.
E: Honest, logical, serious.
Your results are:
Mostly A's: Air.
Your silly, giggly and lots of fun. You like to dream, make up stories, have fun with your friends and generally have a good time. Even though you're lots of fun, other can get frustrated if you don't take things seriously, so try to pay attention for once.
Mostly B's: Water.
You're unpredictable like the ocean, calm one minute, raging the next. You're unbreakably loyal and would do anything for your friends. You tend to talk a lot because you have lots to say. You also get upset when others aren't as good a friend to you as you are to them. You're not a bragger, but you do like to show off sometimes. Just make sure you watch out for your words. Even the most gentle wave can turn deadly fast.
Mostly C's: Fire.
Your hot-headed, easily angered, intelligent and sometimes quite scary... You like life like food; nice and spicy. You can be easily bored, so you tend to muck around to liven things up. People can find you a bit inimidating sometimes. You might want to work on calming that temper of yours... Nobody likes fights!
Mostly D's: Nature.
You're gentle and calm like the plants that you love. You're a vegetarian because you believe animals shouldn't be harmed for you. You're caring and loving and you have a lot of pets. People and animals under your care are almost always happy! Be sure to take some risks though. I'm sure they'll be worth it!
Mostly E's: Earth.
You're serious and logical and down to earth. You're favourite subjects are things like maths, history and science. Nothing silly like art, english or cooking. You like knowing the facts, the dates, the reasons behind everything. You get frustrated if you don't know a fact, or if you've forgotton something important. Sometimes you need to just let things go.
These results were not intended to insult, please do not take seriously.
So hey! Cool right? And I came up with another idea I shall use in a future post!; Horoscopes! MSP horoscopes! Awesome! I'm looking forward a lot to doing those.
Okay, I think this is the end of this post! The next one will NOT have a quiz in it!!! Kk? Next time, i shall find more interest crap and stuff to do.
~Misty out.